7 Ways to Prepare Your Heart for Marriage預覽

7 Ways to Prepare Your Heart for Marriage

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Spiritual Intimacy with Your Future Spouse

Although Nancy and I both see prayer as the bedrock of our marriage, there are other ways to grow spiritually together. Spiritual intimacy is part of the “one flesh” union in marriage that brings the two spouses closer than any other relationship can be (Genesis 2:24).

Reading the Bible together is awesome. Each year, Nancy and I do a reading plan that takes us through the Bible in a year. We read the same thing, but each read it at different times during the day. Then, we can share what we learned with each other. We will watch a Bible Project video or read a YouVersion Bible plan together at night. What God teaches us through His word and how sharing grows us closer to Him and each other is amazing.

Find a church home that you both like. Research tells us that people who say they go to church on average go one time a month or less. Don’t let that be you. Be sure the church is Christ-centered. The process may take some time, but it will be worth it. Unless you are both a big “no” the first time you visit a new church, go two or three times to be fair to the church. Even the best churches can have a bad day. Once you settle on a church, get involved. Serve, get in a small group, participate in activities. You are building relationships with the people who will be there for you day after day and year after year.

Bottom line: God is the center of “the cord of three strands” that Ecclesiastes 4:12 speaks of. Put yourself in a position to grow spiritually together and put God at the center of your marriage. Then keep Him there.

Next Steps:

  • Begin reading a Bible plan together.
  • If you do not have a church home, make a list of three to five churches to visit and then begin visiting.
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7 Ways to Prepare Your Heart for Marriage

Marriage is a covenant between husband, wife, and God, designed to last a lifetime. This seven-day plan will look at seven ways to prepare your heart for marriage as you seek to build a strong and lasting foundation with God at the center.
