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Ready. Set. Grow! Footsteps of Faith for a Life That Flourishes by Heidi St. John預覽

Ready. Set. Grow! Footsteps of Faith for a Life That Flourishes by Heidi St. John

7 天中的第 1 天

Just Stop

“The Lord replied, ‘I will personally go with you, Moses, and I will give you rest—everything will be fine for you.’ ” Exodus 33:14, NLT

I took a break outside the other day, after what felt like a straight week of fighting spiritual battles. Sitting on my back deck, I took in the scenery and breathed deeply. We are surrounded by forest on most sides of our home, and when the sun shines through the trees, and the birds sing, and I have a steaming cup of tea in my hands, there’s no place I would rather be.

Occasionally, though, even the beautiful surroundings that I call home don’t offer the protection from the struggles of this world that my heart craves. For a variety of reasons, my heart was heavy. I needed to rest, and I knew it.

The trouble was that I could not give myself permission to just stop.

We don’t often take the rest that we need. Notice I didn’t say “get” the rest we need. That goes without saying! But taking rest when it’s offered and ignoring the signs that we need to stop and be still . . . well, that’s not usually the fault of others.

I know I am guilty of this. There’ve been many times throughout my career as a mother when I should’ve just called it a day, but instead, I turned into “that mom.” You know the one I’m talking about: the one who acts like a martyr because it just seems like the thing to do.

I’m older now. These days, when I feel the strain of the world around me closing in, when I can feel myself responding to situations in a way that does not bring encouragement to those around me, I know it’s time to take a break.

I think that God understands it when we need to take a break. Even Moses needed a break from time to time! And when he did, God responded graciously to him. Rather than speak harshly or wonder why Moses couldn’t toughen up and keep going, the Lord gently encouraged him, promising to give him rest.

God’s promise alone is wonderful, but the best thing He said to Moses in today’s passage was to remind him that in the end, everything was going to be fine. Sure, we can keep going beyond what makes sense, but today, let’s hear the gentle voice of the shepherd of our soul and just stop. Whatever it is, we will handle it better when we’ve rested and have drunk deeply of the many blessings God has given us.


Heavenly Father,

You understand the battles I fight and the struggles I face in my day-to-day life. You know the toll it takes on me—physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I'm grateful that You invite me to find rest in Your presence. Lord, help me to recognize when I need to just stop and be still. Grant me the courage to lay aside my busyness, my tasks, and my burdens and to find solace and strength in You. Help me resist the temptation to carry on when what I really need is to rest in You.

You met Moses in his time of need with reassurance and rest, just as You meet me in mine.

Lord, grant me the boldness to approach You with my needs and desires, knowing that You are ready and willing to meet them. Help me to remember that I can approach Your throne with confidence, not because of who I am, but because of who You are—a gracious and merciful God who is my refuge and strength.

As I go through this study, Lord, teach me to seek You, to rest in You, and to lean into Your everlasting arms. And may the rest I find in You fuel my faith, my obedience, and my passion to serve You with everything I have.

In the precious name of Jesus Christ, my Savior and my Rest, I pray. Amen.



Ready. Set. Grow! Footsteps of Faith for a Life That Flourishes by Heidi St. John

It’s easy to put our relationship with God on autopilot, but God has more for you! A life of devotion to Christ always results in growth. Out of the overflow of what God does in our lives, we long to follow Him wherever He leads. If you’re ready to breathe new life into your walk with God, and to see fear replaced with faith, this plan is for you!
