Finding Hope After Pregnancy or Infant Loss預覽

When our eyes are firmly planted here, seeing only what this world has to offer, we can quickly lose hope. We see and experience death and destruction at any given moment. God is calling us to something more than what we can see here. Our taste of death is an opportunity to shift our gaze towards heaven, an opportunity to long for eternity. And that is a gift. I know it doesn’t feel like a gift but anything, even pain and sorrow, that points our eyes towards Jesus and makes us long for the day that He will appear, is a gift.
Father, set my mind on things that are above, set my eyes on you, set my heart on you. Remind me Father that this world is not my home and there will be a day when you make all things new, a day when there will be no more pain, no more sorrow, no more tears.

For the woman experiencing the anguish of grief after pregnancy or infant loss, the journey of faith can be challenging. Where is God in your pain? Where was He when your baby died? How can you keep moving forward amidst such grief? This plan pairs hope-filled Scripture with daily devotionals written specifically for the grieving mother – so that God’s Word may fill you with hope amidst your hurting.