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Ask, Seek, Knock: 3 Keys to Unlocking Heaven Through Prayer

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Did you know that one of the number one reasons people leave the Christian faith is because of “unanswered prayers?” How does this make you feel?

When I heard this, my heart stopped. What a tragedy! We have a great opportunity to communicate with God through Jesus Christ, however, there is a huge disconnect in the body of Christ about prayers not being answered. But why?

Maybe you’re like me and have asked God, “Where are You, Lord?” I mean, “Where is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob? Where is the “fire-from-heaven” God of Elijah?” And this is how God is answering us: “Where are you?”

I truly didn’t understand the significance of unanswered prayers, and why they were happening at such an alarming rate until I stepped into a leadership position at church. God so graciously removed the scales.

Matthew 7:7 says, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” If we look closely at the last part of this scripture, it implores us to knock. As Christians, we should seek God and ask Him how to be the best knockers we can be for God’s Kingdom.

I truly believe God’s desire is to communicate with His children just as He did with Jesus while He was on Earth. However, it is imperative that all of us discover the things that get in the way of the knocks. Understanding the hindrances to our knock is the first key to unlocking heaven on our behalf.

Unconfessed sin is one of the major hindrances that block us from reaching heaven’s door. The Bible, in its original form, gives us five different definitions of sin. However, the most common definition we are familiar with is missing the mark.

When we pray we must humble ourselves and repent of our sins before God so His will can be done in our lives. Turn the Ten Commandments into questions in your prayer life and see if you are missing the mark in your life.

By missing the mark, you increase your chances of missing the knock.

Another hindrance to communicating with God in prayer is the block of bitterness, unforgiveness, and/or wrath among each other. I believe the Bible is straightforward here and also gives us direction in Matthew 5:23-24, which says, “Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother or sister has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First, go and be reconciled to them; then come and offer your gift.”

To be honest with you, I struggle with this one personally, but that does not make it false. It’s something I have to seek the Holy Spirit about, to give me strength in my weakness and learn how to reconcile with those close to me. One question I asked my team was this: “If you have bitterness towards your natural father, how do you think that affects your relationship with the heavenly Father?”

Disobedience is another hindrance. And I noticed this when I was young. When my parents asked me to do something and I blatantly did the opposite, I disobeyed them and placed myself under judgment.

Then, it became hard for me to ask them for something that I wanted and it would only be granted to me after I had apologized or served out my punishment. Jonah is a great example of this, but God spared Jonah and gave him another chance. And God is giving you another chance today.

Has God asked you to do something? Maybe it’s to give to that ministry, start a ministry, or go into the missionary field. One of the reasons you might not be receiving answers to your prayers is that He needs you to be in the right place to hear Him. Get to that place!

The last stumbling block I will share with you is unbelief. Faith, or better yet the lack of it, definitely blocks us at heaven’s door. Romans 10:17 proclaims, “Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message and the message is heard through the Word of Christ.”

We can’t get around it. Studying God’s Word increases our faith that we will do what He wants us to do for the advancement of His Kingdom.

In Mark 9:23, Jesus conveys to a father who wants his son cured of a demonic spirit. “Everything is possible for one who believes,” Jesus assures the man.

You see, Jesus does not give us any room for unbelief when He says, 'Everything.' Another version says, 'All Things'. However, no matter how you put it, our God can answer any prayer that does not place His character in jeopardy because He is sovereign, holy, good, and righteous.

I just gave you four hindrances, but we all know there are more blocks to our knocks. I’m asking you to really meditate on your own personal walk with Christ, as I will, and see what’s getting in the way of you receiving answers to your prayers.

My prayer for all of us is that we will have the assurance that John did — an assurance that God will hear our knock and open the door. “And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask anything according to His will, he heareth us: And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him.” (1 John 5:14-15)


Father, I have been knocking for a while now, but it seems I have not received an answer. Father, please point out the things that are blocking me from hearing Your voice. I confess that I am a sinner. Forgive me and cleanse me from all my unrighteousness. If there is any bitterness against my family members, friends or neighbors, please give me the boldness to reconcile with them. And, Father, “help my unbelief.” In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.



Ask, Seek, Knock: 3 Keys to Unlocking Heaven Through Prayer

These 3 keys could unlock everything! Have you ever prayed and felt like Heaven’s doors were shut? Well, you are not alone. Many Christians have felt this way. However, what if you had the keys to unlock doors and activate a constant line of communication from the throne room of God? Join Damien as he shares 3 fundamental Kingdom principles that will get Heaven’s attention immediately.
