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Less Clutter Is More Life: A Biblical Approach to Minimalism預覽

Less Clutter Is More Life: A Biblical Approach to Minimalism

3 天中的第 2 天

Minimalism takes on different forms for different people. For instance, consider the 12 disciples; Jesus instructed them to leave their nets and boats to follow him.

However, there is also the story of the demon-possessed man in Matthew. After Jesus cast out the demons, the man wanted to follow Him, but Jesus told him to return to his city and be a witness. Thus, minimalism is not a one-size-fits-all concept; it involves simplifying to serve a higher purpose.

Although Jesus did instruct the Rich Young Ruler we read about yesterday to "sell all you possess and give to the poor", He did not provide that instruction to every person He interacted with. I believe that instruction was specific to the young Ruler's heart condition and what God wanted to accomplish in his life.

As I have strived to be generous with my possessions and yielded to the Lord's guidance, He has been faithful in providing direction. Many times, there have been things that He has invited me to give away or get rid of because they were getting in the way of my relationship with Him.

Today, take a moment to ask God to reveal the condition of your heart and to show you areas where you need to submit to Him.

Let’s pray:

Dear God, help me understand that my path in serving You may look different, but my goal remains the same: to glorify You. I ask for the wisdom to discern which areas of my life need simplification for me to serve You better. Reveal to me the areas of my heart that need surrendering and help me yield them to You without reservation. I thank You for Your continuous guidance.

In Jesus' name, Amen.

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Less Clutter Is More Life: A Biblical Approach to Minimalism

My favorite definition of minimalism is "the intentional promotion of the things we most value and the removal of anything that distracts us from it." In this plan, we will examine how Jesus' life reflected these values and how minimalism can bring clarity, focus, and deepen your relationship with God. Join this plan to break free from clutter and begin transforming your life today.
