Postpartum Depression: Light in the Darkness預覽

Postpartum Depression: Light in the Darkness

5 天中的第 5 天

Day 5: Your Body is the Temple

My fitness journey has been a staple in my healing journey with postpartum depression. I’m not sure if I could write any devotional related to healing without addressing how you care and honor your physical body during your walk with Christ.

1 Corinthians 6:19 says, "Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own." The body supports us by carrying our soul, heart, and mind. Our bodies are a gift from the Lord that we have been directed to honor and steward.

When you start caring about your body’s health, it directly impacts your mind, spirit, and mental well-being. When you start to move your body, take walks, lift weights, play outside with your kids, it’s healing. It is a privilege to live, and we should honor that by being intentional about the foods we consume and the exercise activities we participate in. Be intentional about primarily filling your body with whole food sources, being mindful about the amount of food we consume, while still enjoying some treats in moderation. Start scheduling time to move, even if it just starts with a ten-minute walk and five minutes of stretching each day. You will start to look forward to this time. Nourishing your body will not only help you have more energy to be the mother you were called to be, but it will also build your confidence and help you feel alive again.

Keep showing up, Mama. God will always meet you there. You were chosen for such a time as this to be a mother, a human bearer, a custodian of life, and a guide. Love up on you, invest in you, reach out for support, and actively direct your thoughts, and you will be fully equipped to carry out the assignment of motherhood with joy, peace, and grace. Know that you are not alone on your postpartum depression healing journey. God is always with you, Mama.

I would love for you to continue to join me on this journey of motherhood as life is so much better with community. Feel free to connect with me on my blog I love you.



Postpartum Depression: Light in the Darkness

Hi Mama. Postpartum depression is dark, lonely, and heavy. Thank God for His light shining the brightest in the darkest moments of our life. Postpartum depression can cause you to forget who you are in Christ. This devotional walks you through actionable steps you can take on your healing journey rooted in scripture.
