Defeating the Devil’s Designs With the Armour of God預覽

Defeating Destruction
Growth vs Destruction
God desires growth and progress for all of His creation, especially His children. Sometimes, He may allow us to go through seasons where we seemingly go through the wilderness, as did the Israelites in the desert. However, just like the Israelites, these are often journeys designed by God for inner growth.
The enemy desires the opposite: he will try to use such seasons to bring destruction to our lives instead of abundant life. The Bible talks about facing times of difficulty with steadfast prayer, believing that God’s will is sovereign over all. If the enemy can get us to face seasons of darkness with fear and despair, we no longer choose to trust God’s sovereignty and goodness. If we accept the enemy’s lie that we’ve been abandoned, our faith is in danger of being destroyed.
Shield of Faith
In ancient wars, armies would light trajectories on fire so that upon landing in the enemy’s territory, the fire would destroy the fields that gave them food, the walls that gave them protection, and the homes that gave them shelter. We have a shield of faith that quenches all the fiery darts that the enemy sends to bring chaos and destruction in our lives! Ask the Holy Spirit to teach you how to take up this part of the armour of light.
Reflective Questions
Have you ever experienced destruction in your life that robbed you of something?
What areas in your life seem to be undergoing destruction?
Father God, I believe that you will turn all things for my good. Perhaps things do not turn out according to my will. Some things must be destroyed for good to come about. Jesus’ own body was marred for new life to come through Him. You prune away dead branches so that better things can grow. But Father, sometimes the enemy attacks my faith and wants to take things from me. He wants me to have despair and hopelessness. I choose today to trust that You restore, You redeem, You renew. That’s Who You are, and Who You are does not change. I hold before You my empty spaces, my dark seasons, my suffering, and ask for Your will to be done. I trust in Your protection, that You have said I will be protected from destruction. Amen.

None of us will go through this life without facing battles. The death of Jesus Christ and His resurrection mean that we can share in His victory and be conquerors and overcomers. He never promised us that we would not suffer, in fact, He warned us that we would have many troubles in this world. Our strategies for facing these problems are outlined for us in the Bible.