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Acts: Go & Be Chapters 19-28預覽

Acts: Go & Be Chapters 19-28

20 天中的第 5 天

What is this passage saying?

Paul gives a final address in Miletus to the elders from Ephesus.

What is this passage teaching?

Paul’s heartfelt address to the elders from Ephesus is a beautiful summary of what faithful pastoral ministry looks like. The address culminates with a powerful charge: “pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood” (20:28). Paul had immense spiritual power and widespread popularity in the church. Certainly, he had all the makings of a modern Christian celebrity. However, Paul was more concerned with shepherding the flock of God than he was pushing an agenda or building a brand. The precious believers he shepherded were purchased not with his own wisdom, ministry skill, or speaking talent but with Christ’s very own blood. Paul reminds us that we love and shepherd those around us not because they further our agenda but because they, too, have been purchased by the precious blood of Christ.

How do I respond?

Shepherding a flock of sheep is no joke – sheep are notoriously stubborn and imprudent. They get lost and cannot find their way back. Friend, are you more concerned with furthering your agenda or shepherding God’s flock? Are you primarily motivated by trying to build your brand, market your gifts, or fulfill your own desires? Take some time to think about the people God has called into your life. Think of your spouse, kids, family, and friends. All of them are worthy of love and care because God has obtained them with the blood of His Son. Commit to loving and shepherding those in your care today.

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Acts: Go & Be Chapters 19-28

In this 20-day plan, through chapters 19-28, you will see it’s not merely just an account of what happened but rather what is still happening to this day around the world through the power of The Holy Spirit. In Acts, you will see the power of the Holy Spirit on display in the lives of the men and women who followed Jesus.
