Doctors' Life Support預覽

Doctors' Life Support

21 天中的第 21 天

Grace to fight the good fight of faith

We each have been given specific grace to fulfill His purposes for our lives.

I am very aware of the grace that God has given my family to serve in South Sudan, despite civil wars around us, poor health care and very little infrastructure. We have been given grace for the relationships, challenges, and opportunities to serve the Lord in Yida Refugee Camp. From organizing Community Health, Evangelism training, to fixing solar water points, capacity building at the local hospital to sharing our lives with our neighbours, I see His grace effective in our lives. He has enabled us to thrive in our place of service.

But God has not given everyone the grace for Yida. In the same way, I have not been given the grace to be a haematologist or work in a big city.

It is very important to know what we have been given grace for. In a recent sermon I listened to by Bill Johnson, he said, "King David said no to the war he was born for, but he could not say no to the conflict that he had no grace for… The safest place on the planet is in the centre of His purposes."

In 1 Timothy 6:12, Paul urges Timothy to "Fight the good fight of the faith."

Some of us are tempted by sin because we are not out fighting the battle God has given us the grace to fight. Maybe that is because we are scared or tired or too comfortable. Let us take His yoke upon us today, His yoke is easy and His burden is light. Let us learn from our Lord Jesus. Let us use the gifts He has given us for His glory.

Prayer: Lord, Help me to discern the battles that you give me the grace to fight, and give me the courage and wisdom to serve you faithfully. Amen



Doctors' Life Support

The Doctor’s Life Support daily devotions are an excellent resource for daily meditation - they are brief, practical and inspiring. The devotionals are written by Christians in healthcare from around the world. Each reading begins with a Scripture verse. The author shares a personal application from their own life experience or meditation, and offers a prayer to end the devotion.
