A Hope Eternal - Advent Devotional預覽

A Hope Eternal - Advent Devotional

29 天中的第 13 天

Joy: Three small letters that have produced no small amount of mystery and attention. It receives attention because, whether we realize it or not, we all constantly pursue joy. Every time we think about a positive change we want to see happen—we are pursuing joy. When we look forward to being with someone special—we are pursuing joy. When we hope that something bad will relent so we can move forward—we are pursuing joy.

And while joy receives our attention, it creates within us a mysterious tension. As eternal beings, we are designed for the unlimited eternal joy of God in a world where joy can seem temporary. We see a change happen but eventually find that we need another change to find joy. We find ourselves with someone special, and time removes our ability to be with them. The bad thing relents in our lives, yet we find ourselves facing another trial. Our temporary reality collides with our eternal reality. We long to live in the joy for which we have been designed, yet our pursuit of joy often collapses in the attempt.

It is in this tension that God’s design for joy shines brightest. In this world, we find glimpses of joy through temporal means—eating, drinking, traditions, and rituals. Yet we find that eternal joy must come from something more than temporary experiences. In God’s incredible design for our joy, He has created the fulfillment of our joy to be found in an eternal source of joy: God Himself. Now and forever in the Kingdom of God, God Himself brings joy to us through the Holy Spirit in us.

God has made your joy as eternal, stable, and definite as He is. God has brought joy to the world through Jesus Christ. There is no end to His rule so nothing can overthrow the joy He brings. His counsel and wisdom are wonderful and perfect, so every path He leads you on is full of wonderful, perfect joy. His might is ultimate, so He can overcome every other thing that could remove joy. He is the ruler of all peace, so His people will endure peace forever, no matter the world around them. Because of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit within us creates the eternal, stable, definite joy of God. We are made for joy, and God has sent His perfect and eternal joy to be in you.


Father, You are the source of joy! Thank You for making me for eternal joy. Thank You for giving me access to eternal joy through Jesus Christ. Thank You for empowering me to experience joy now and forever by Your Holy Spirit. Allow me to further know and experience Your joy by more fully knowing and experiencing You. Amen.

Tim Whitney, Ph.D., serves as an adjunct faculty member for the Regent University School of Divinity.

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A Hope Eternal - Advent Devotional

A Hope Eternal – Advent Devotional explores the biblical themes of hope, joy, love, and peace as we celebrate the first coming and await the final return of Christ Jesus. Journey with Regent University School of Divinity’s faculty and staff as our hearts are once again recaptured by the Holy Spirit, focused on the eternal hope found in the incarnation of God’s Son, our Prince of Peace.
