Money Matters: Devotions From Time of Grace預覽

Getting Money God’s Way: Receiving Gifts
We learn about gifts pretty early in life. One sure way to get a child’s attention is simply to say the word “Christmas.” Kids immediately associate the concept with presents, that is, cool free stuff that various people give you.
Giving and receiving gifts expresses and strengthens relationships. Gifts send messages: “I love you.” “You are important to me.” “I appreciate what you do for me.” “Thank you for everything.”
Giving and receiving gifts also can symbolize strong mutual obligations. “When Abraham’s servant heard what they said, he bowed down to the ground before the LORD. Then the servant brought out gold and silver jewelry and articles of clothing and gave them to Rebekah” (Genesis 24:52,53). Rebekah joyfully accepted these treasures because they communicated powerfully the commitment of Isaac’s proposal of marriage.
Tell me the truth--what are your most precious possessions? It wouldn’t surprise me if many of them are gifts from people who mean a great deal to you.

Money matters are often difficult to discuss. But the Bible has plenty to say on the topic. These devotions will provide you with insights and wisdom from Scripture about God’s view of money.