Trust That God Is in Control.預覽

Trust That God Is in Control.

6 天中的第 1 天

Growing Up in Jesus

by Mark Hayes

When my oldest son graduated from college and moved away, it was the first time my wife and I had really been away from him his entire life. We were blessed to have him attend college only 40 miles away from home. This is what we wanted for him—to grow up, leave home, graduate from college, and pursue a career. But there is that part of me that just wanted to keep him home. When I think that through, of course, it doesn’t make any sense. It would be a disaster for both him and me if I hindered this important occasion and refused to let him build a life.

We sometimes hinder our spiritual lives when we are satisfied with the basics. We miss out if we live faith lives based on minimums. Jesus died to save us, and that’s all we need to know.

On the one hand, it IS all we need to know. Whoever believes in Jesus as his or her Savior will enter eternal life. On the other hand, there is so much beauty in His love, so much power in His sacrifice, and so much depth within an ongoing and growing relationship with Jesus. To be complacently satisfied with the basics when we have such a wonderful God is like going to Disney World and only staying in the parking lot just to say you went to Disney World.

A deeper relationship with God gives you peace when the world goes crazy. It gives you calm when your life is out of control, and it allows you to see silver linings instead of dark clouds only. It helps you to love the unloving and to experience security when relationships fail you.

The more time you spend in the Word of God, the more your relationship with him advances from passing by Him in the hall to having a VIP dinner with Him. He invites you to do just that. God wants to hang out with you. How amazing is that?!

Prayer: Dear Jesus, I don’t want to just know ABOUT you; I want to KNOW you. As I read your Word, give me daily insights into your plan for my life with you. Give me patience and peace when I don’t understand the path that You have set for me, and give me hope when times seem dark. Build my identity and security in You alone. Amen.



Trust That God Is in Control.

How often do you get frustrated, angry, and worried because things don’t go the way you want them to? Stop and ponder who is really in charge of our lives. The answer is always “God,” no matter what we think or how things appear. Patiently trust him and his perfect plans! This six-day devotion series addresses how we can learn to trust God and understand that he remains in control.
