[Around the Table] Everyone Is Invited預覽

[Around the Table] Everyone Is Invited

7 天中的第 3 天


Pentecost. Fifty days after Easter. Tensions were high in Jerusalem. Peter had already denied Jesus three times. Judas had sold Jesus out. We know how that story ended. The disciples had seen the horrific nature of Jesus’ crucifixion. They were experiencing the chaos of the aftermath. Can you imagine the fear that must have gripped them? And Jesus had said, stay here. Just wait.

It was in the upper room, around the table, that they’d had that last meal together where Jesus had an intimate and life-altering conversation with His most faithful followers. He talked to them about the body and the bread. Jesus spoke of His death and resurrection, what this would mean to them. Then He told them to wait there for the promise. Again, at the ascension, He told them to wait. Ten days later, they were all still there, waiting.

The Pentecost celebration is at hand. Suddenly, from heaven, the Holy Spirit came with the sound of rushing wind and tongues of fire, and everyone began to speak in other tongues. The Holy Spirit gave them the ability. That’s amazing! The by-product of Jesus’ ministry, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension resulted not just in community, but in empowerment. Pentecost results in empowerment.

Don’t let this section freak you out. This gift has been widely debated, but it IS a gift. We have the pleasure of serving the Father of lights who is the Giver of every good and perfect gift (James 1:17). It is a good and gracious Father who gives the gift of tongues. This concept of tongues has been twisted by the enemy to cause cynicism, fear, speculation, or worse. What God gave is used to bring division in the church, which is ironic, because what God had scattered at Babel, He regathered at Pentecost. Human pride through the Tower of Babel caused God to scatter language and disperse it, but here, at Pentecost, we see God bringing unity back to His people. This gift, this moment of supernatural power on display, is for the unification of that which had been divided and dispersed.

Let’s not focus so much on the gift of tongues that we miss the real gift of the Holy Spirit’s empowerment taking place in this moment.

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[Around the Table] Everyone Is Invited

The goal of this plan and series is to encourage us to be in unity and community. The table is a symbol of the fellowship Jesus’ followers would have experienced as they shared and lived out the gospel. The early church gathered around the table. We too, are challenged to share the gospel and participate in life around the table.
