Year of the Bible: Part Nine of Twelve預覽

Year of the Bible: Part Nine of Twelve

30 天中的第 7 天

Inside Out

In a culture enamored with appearances, Jesus applauded a poor widow for giving all she had as worship to God and simultaneously exposed the duplicity of the religious leaders.

In today's reading, an expert in Biblical Law asked Jesus a thoughtful question: What is the greatest commandment we should follow? He was likely trying to understand Jesus' priorities. After answering the man, Jesus uncovered a more profound truth—the prophecies in Psalm 110 point directly to Him. After doing this, Jesus said, "I am the Son of God, and I have the authority to set priorities. You study these scriptures as your full-time job, yet you do not realize they are pointing to me."

In Jesus' day, people prioritized their outer appearances over the health of their inner character. Jesus poked at the fact that the religious leaders were missing the point of their study, which was to find and know Jesus! He warned the crowds about these religious leaders because they taught one thing and did another. The leaders needed to reorder their priorities.

Here's the truth: Jesus desires that you live from the inside out, allowing the seed of His word to sprout, grow, and bear fruit. Living from the inside out is the way of life Jesus invites us to enjoy.

Question: Where might your life need some reordering?

Prayer: Jesus, I need the light of Your truth in my life. Help me set my life in order, synchronizing it with Your values and priorities. Teach me to walk in new ways, learning the path of humility, love, and service. Grow me up, Lord! Help me mature in my walk with You, for Your glory alone. In Jesus' name, Amen!

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Year of the Bible: Part Nine of Twelve

This twelve-part plan can be read alone, with a group, or with your family! Each month, you will dive into a new part of the unified story that leads to Jesus discovering the heart of God for the whole world. This month, we'll read through parts of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and a portion of Acts. Let's dive into Part nine of twelve!
