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I Hate My Job!預覽

I Hate My Job!

5 天中的第 1 天

Office Politics

Social politics is likely something that you had hoped you had left in the playground.

Sadly, it can follow us into our adult life too. More specifically – into our work life.

Competitiveness, game-playing, power-struggles and favouritism are all characteristics of office politics and are all very destructive to a workplace.

We are encouraged to reject social politics in the workplace and live not as the world does but as employees of faith.

What does this look like?

This looks like avoiding competitiveness. Scripture says this:

‘Be devoted to one another in love. Honour one another above yourselves.’

(Romans 12:10 NIV)

This scripture cuts straight through a competitive attitude! Rather than being self-seeking or having a ‘me first’ mentality, scripture and Christian culture calls us to put one another first. This means sometimes having to take second place - or even coming last! We are to honour one another, being devoted to one another in love.

The Bible is pretty clear on negative behaviour such as competitiveness, game-playing, power-struggles and favouritism. Favouritism is even called a sin! (See James 2:8-9).

Even though we are called to be loving towards one another, this does not mean that we will always like one another! But, in the workplace, we are encouraged to work alongside each other in a manner that honours.

This is a powerful example to those who do not yet know Jesus!

“By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

(John 13:35 NIV)

How will the world ever know Jesus if those who claim to know and follow Him are competing, playing games, struggling for power or favouring certain people?

We are encouraged to not give in to this kind of behaviour, even in the workplace, so that our example will be powerful.

If you are struggling with workplace politics today, remember that God sees everything. He knows the hearts of all and will reward each person according to what they produce. Pray for your workplace. Pray that it will be an environment where the mission is prioritised and people work alongside one another in peace, with respect and love.

Next Step

Commit John 13:35 to memory.

Remember this scripture when you're tempted to play games or get roped into negative workplace behaviours.



I Hate My Job!

Some of us may love our jobs and have no workplace issues. Others of us may have a few struggles that we aim to address in this 5-day devotional. Whatever you’re facing at work, likely, you are not alone in it. Allow us to delve into five key areas of working life and provide you with some practical steps to start loving your job.
