YouVersion 標誌



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If you have ever wanted to open a new browsing window without the hassle of moving your mouse to the top of your computer screen and pressing the green plus sign button, or create a new document instead of clicking “file new document,” the shortcut CTRL + N is your solution.

Spiritual Principle

When you use CTRL + N, a new document is coming right up – a new story can be written! The gift of salvation works the same way! 2 Corinthians 5:17 (CSB) says, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has passed away, and see, the new has come!”

In John 4, a Samaritan woman was at a well during the heat of day just trying to get water. Alone, and probably exhausted from the life she had been living, she is approached by Jesus. He comes to her, redeems her, and tells her of a better life. Jesus says if she chooses to accept this better life, she will never thirst again. Now this was not a physical thirst, but a spiritual one. This woman needed to be filled with new life. Jesus gave her the choice to start over, and she accepted.

Then, leaving her water jar, the woman went back to the town and said to the people, “Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did. Could this be the Messiah?” (John 4:28-29 NIV). This woman left the very thing she came with – her water jar – behind her. She left her burdens, her broken spirit, and her loneliness all in the past to follow Jesus, and you can do the same.

God has given us such an amazing gift through salvation: the gift to start over. Whatever it looks like for you, you have the freedom to choose to start fresh. It is not always easy, and no one said it was going to be. But once you take that step of faith, you can keep moving forward in the freedom of a fresh start.

God is the author and the finisher of your faith, and He is ready to rewrite your story. Will you accept his invitation today? It is time to hit CTRL + N and start again.

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Have you ever been typing and wished you knew faster ways to complete certain tasks? Throughout this series, we are going to teach you a few computer shortcuts with spiritual principles from God’s Word connected to them that you can apply to your life. Join us for seven days of learning spiritual shortcuts!
