Wholeness 預覽

Freedom of choice is one of the greatest gifts we have been given, as it reveals the heart of God. God gave us the freedom to choose to trust and love Him or do things independently of Him according to our own will. This places God in an incredibly vulnerable position as freedom of choice means we can choose to reject. Therefore, we learn a huge lesson about love when understanding choice. Love has to have an open hand, and if it doesn't, it is not love, but rather it is control. Control means to force someone to conform to the will of the one in control. Fear forces us into the space of wanting to be in control.
All behaviour is driven by a need to connect and or self-project, and all behaviour tells a story. Our behaviour will always reveal how secure our identity in Christ is. When the storms of life hit, how we respond discloses the type of foundation we are built on. Do we trust Christ, who is in the boat with us, or do we choose to do things in our strength, trusting in self? The enemy will, at the same time, throw lies at you about why you should rather trust in yourself and not in God. This was his intention when he tempted Eve to eat the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil so that she could be “like” god (note the intentional use of the small “g”). He knew if we inherited this knowledge, it would deepen the tension in all of us to choose to play god of our own lives. It places us in a position of deciding for ourselves what we think is good and evil instead of trusting in the ways of God our Father. This is a decision we daily have to surrender; the power of our choices can bring us life or death. This is "our" choice.
- What areas in my life do I struggle to let go of?
- What spaces do I find hardest to trust God with?
- What do I fear the most?
God, I pray that you will reveal the spaces in my life with which you want me to trust you. Please show me what it means to walk with you in daily surrender. I pray for a deepening revelation of the goodness of your heart as I seek to trust you with my all. Amen.

Psalms 18:20-24 says, “GOD made my life complete when I placed all the pieces before him.” Wholeness is a 14-day journey of intentionally learning how to bring all the parts of ourselves before Him - spirit, soul, and body. It is about intentionally building our identity in Christ and not creation.