Wholeness 預覽


10 天中的第 2 天


Every child grows up unconsciously asking questions about life - do they belong, are they loved, are their parents dependable, is this world safe, can people be trusted, etc.? Their experience of the world around them and their interpretation of those experiences will influence the answers to these questions. The answers will, in turn, form life lenses or beliefs concerning how they see themselves, life, God, and others.

It is essential to understand that there is a strong parallel between the role of the family in our lives and how we see and relate to the Godhead. Sometimes we may have difficulty relating to aspects of the Godhead because of our experiences within our family of origin. Reflecting on this dynamic is helpful to potentially unlock mindsets and beliefs that hold us back from a deepening relationship with God.

God the Father:

The father's role is primarily one of speaking identity and value over children and offering protection and provision. If a child grows up with an absent, distant, or abusive father, they often have difficulty trusting in the protection and provision of God the Father.

The Holy Spirit:

The role of a mother is one of comforting, nurturing, and teaching. She is the one we run to when we are hurt, sick, and in need of comfort. The Holy Spirit is also referred to as the comforter and teacher. If a child grows up with an emotionally unsafe and inconsistent mother, this can impact their ability to trust in the power of the Holy Spirit.


Our siblings and friends are those we find easy to talk to and share our deepest secrets with. They are the ones whose companionship we often enjoy the most. If a child grows up experiencing bullying or rejection from their siblings or friends, this can impact their ability to trust in the companionship of Jesus.


  • Who do you most struggle to connect with in the God-head (the father, the Holy Spirit, Jesus)?
  • Can you think of how your experience of your family of origin has impacted how you see yourself, life, God, and others?


Dear God, show me any aspect of mistrust or fear I have towards you that you wish to bring healing and wholeness to. I pray that as I journey with you to grow in trusting the goodness of your heart, I will be able to experience the power of the Godhead fully.

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Psalms 18:20-24 says, “GOD made my life complete when I placed all the pieces before him.” Wholeness is a 14-day journey of intentionally learning how to bring all the parts of ourselves before Him - spirit, soul, and body. It is about intentionally building our identity in Christ and not creation.
