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Enforcing Prayer: 10 Days of Scriptural Prayers預覽

Enforcing Prayer: 10 Days of Scriptural Prayers

10 天中的第 2 天

God is My Helper

John 14:26

But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.


God, I receive the gift of Your Spirit, who lives and breathes and dwells within me. The Holy Spirit is my Helper who is always with me and navigates into the best paths. I am never alone or without guidance because You are with me; ever helping me and teaching me. I thank You for having a desire to teach me and for causing me to be teachable. I declare that You remind me of all things that You have said to me. Every promise, every Word, every Truth is brought up to my mind by Your Divine and holy revelation… there is not a thing I don’t recall about what You have taught me and told me. I have Your mind and a supernatural recollection because You live within me and whisper all things in my ear. In Jesus’ name, amen.


(Insert your name), you have the fullness of the Holy Spirit living and breathing and dwelling within you. You are never alone, and you are never without help; He is your Support and always present and available to you. Because the Holy Spirit teaches you, you can learn in a supernatural way and what was once difficult is now made easy by His power, instruction, and guidance. You have the mind of Christ and by the Holy Spirit, you will recall all things relevant at just the right time. You are not forgetful because God Himself will cause you to remember. There is not a word that God has said to you that you will forget. Every promise, every Word, every revelation, you are reminded of daily because God Himself whispers them in your ear. I declare that your ears hear, and your mind remembers in Jesus’ name.

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Enforcing Prayer: 10 Days of Scriptural Prayers

Enforcing Prayer: 10 Days of Scriptural Prayers by Lisa Schwarz shows how to activate the truth of God's Word and claim it for yourself. Lisa leads you through a series of transformational prayers based on timeless truths and personal affirmations that are critical to enforcing the power of God in your life.
