Dream Big!預覽

Dream Big!

7 天中的第 6 天

Go for it!

When I was a little girl, I thought, "How wonderful it must be to stand on a stage and sing! These singers are so lucky to be in that spotlight!"

Today, I get to live this dream myself, to experience it, and as a result, I see a lot behind the scenes. As you know, most people don't become singers overnight and then suddenly perform their own songs on a world tour.

There are at least a thousand intermediate steps and setbacks involved. And quite often, you have to make the decision to hold on to your big dream and keep fighting for it because rejection and discouragement are part of the game.

The trigger to my dream was my decision to go to a worship college in Australia. Darlene Zschech, the first well-known worship leader there, was and still has been a great, great role model for me. I wanted to learn and absorb everything I could!

But this was no walk in the park. As a student, for example, you were required to be part of the service team during the big annual conferences. I remember running around the stadium for miles with a vacuum cleaner strapped to my back for days, thinking, "Why do I have to do this?"

One afternoon, I got on the elevator that stopped suddenly on the VIP floor. And there I saw Darlene Zschech! But not as a VIP…just like me, she was cleaning, a vacuum cleaner on her back, too. That picture is burned into my mind!

Experiencing YOUR dream doesn't mean that everything will change for you overnight. There will always be a lot of work leading up to the fulfillment of your dream!

But one thing is certain: When God gives you a dream, He also gives you the power of the Holy Spirit to accomplish it!

Tip #1: Recognize your dream and go for it!

Tip #2: Recognize all the work and do it!

I'd now like to say a blessing over you with the following verse. Because your dream matters!

"May He grant you your heart’s desire and fulfill all your plans." (Psalm 20:5, TLV)

In Jesus' name, amen!

You're a miracle!


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Dream Big!

Have you ever been able to Dream Big? What does it mean to have a full life and Dream Big? Join Deborah Rosenkratz and spend the week exploring what it means to Dream Big.
