Jesus Loves Me: Experiencing God’s Heart for Kids 預覽

Jesus Loves Me: Experiencing God’s Heart for Kids

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Build Up the Little Ones

Jesus and his disciples had just shared a conversation about who was greatest in the kingdom, and Jesus surprised them with his answer! Remember? He urged them to become like little children: humble, vulnerable, and powerless on their own.

In Matthew 18:10 (NIV), we’re warned to not despise any of these “little ones.” This verse is not only about children. God cares for each believer, even the weakest one. Jesus makes it clear that the Heavenly Father watches out for our welfare through angels who are in communication with him.

God is watching and waiting to protect his “little ones,” his children, from those who wish to harm them. Each person is significant to him. No one should be diminished, neglected, or mistreated.

The word “despise” here means to look down on someone as inferior or not worthy of care. When the disciples were debating about who was greatest in the kingdom, they should have been more concerned for the others in the group. Jesus wanted them to build each other up instead of tearing each other down.

Are we despising the little ones who are among us? Or are we showing them the love of Christ every day?

Scripture: Matthew 18:10

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Jesus Loves Me: Experiencing God’s Heart for Kids

Jesus loves children! In the Bible, Jesus took kids in his arms, placed his hands on them and blessed them. We should follow his example by showing the children in our lives how valuable they are in God’s eyes. Join us on this nine-day journey to see how God views children with eyes of compassion.
