

10 天中的第 9 天

Good news

Isaiah the prophet is painting a picture of the future. A picture where the honor and independence of Israel will be restored. And Jesus made this picture even bigger and more beautiful.

Romans 10 provides some huge promises: “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” God is going to hear and answer everyone who calls out to him, everyone who says that they want to be a part of his people gets to live in his house.

How are they to believe in one they haven’t heard of? That’s where we come in, all of us who are called to go out to all nations. But it’s not our effort or abilities that will make anyone seek the Lord, it’s the breath and power which is breathed into the word of Christ.

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The Bible tells the story of how the kingdom of God will reach out to all the nations of the earth. In this reading plan we will look at some of the most essential aspects of God´s mission and our call to reach out with his gospel.
