Advent: Catholic Reflections預覽

Advent is a time of hope. We look forward full of joy and expectation. This expectant hope is twofold: we look forward to celebrating the feast of Christmas by sharing time and gifts with family and friends and we look forward to Christ's return when we will join with him in heaven.
Our Bible readings today remind us of the glory of God's promise of our heavenly reward. Isaiah reminds us of our call to holiness and the purification the Lord's coming will bring. Matthew tells us of the great faith of the centurion, whose words we pray in Mass just before we receive Holy Communion, his extraordinary faith wows Jesus and sets an example for us all.
As you pray today, take some time to reflect upon your hopes for Christmas.

Advent is, of course, a time to prepare. To prepare our homes, lives, and our hearts. Join us as we explore the Bible readings used by the Church to challenge, encourage, and help us prepare, not only to celebrate the incarnation but also the second coming of Christ.