Peace to You!預覽

Peace to You!

5 天中的第 2 天


"Nation will no longer fight against nation, nor train for war anymore." ~ Isaiah 2:4

The death of a nine-year-old boy in his hometown of New Orleans spurred Shamarr to create a way to get guns out of kids’ hands. Recalling his own childhood in the city and how music helped him forge a healthy path through life, Shamarr collaborated with the police and spearheaded a community effort to offer trumpets and music lessons to anyone who turned in a gun. He hopes that by replacing weapons with musical instruments, area youth will have something safe and constructive to do, thereby diminishing the plague of gun violence and bringing more peace to the city.

God’s vision of the future is one in which His peace will transform our communities and end violence of all kinds. In that future day, “Nation will no longer fight against nation, nor train for war anymore” (Isaiah 2:4). We won’t have need for weapons, so they’ll be reformed for constructive—instead of destructive—purposes. Instead of war, we’ll gather together to worship God.

Until that day comes, we can pray and serve our communities, acting as a balm to soothe the pains of our troubled world. We can’t transform the world—only God can do that—but we can strive to bring His peace to the places where we live, inviting others to “walk in His paths” with us (v. 3).


What do you most look forward to about the future Isaiah describes? How might you help bring God’s peace to your community today?

Thank You, Father, for being the author of peace. Please use me to bring Your peace to those around me.

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Peace to You!

Peace. Who among us doesn’t long for the state of mind and heart that is quiet and calm? A place where our inner being is as tranquil and undisturbed as a quiet lake? We pray that as you read through the following 5 days' reflections from Our Daily Bread, you will experience Jesus' gift of peace - of mind and heart.
