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How Do I Pray for Them?預覽

How Do I Pray for Them?

5 天中的第 2 天


Something I know about God: He loves opening doors.

When I began praying for God to give me opportunities to talk to my little brother about Jesus, I found myself noticing more ways Elijah and I could connect. He started falling in love with comic books. So I started reading them too. Now, we had something to talk about. He started loving our local basketball team. I was already a fan, but now I was doing more research and getting more into stats so we had even more to discuss and connect on. I realized Elijah wouldn’t step into my world. So I stepped into his. We started enjoying these things together, and over time… I started noticing open doors.

When we start praying for opportunities to show God’s love, God will answer that prayer. Our hearts will also be tender towards those opportunities. We will start to naturally look for them. When we seek them, we will find them.

What are ways you and I can connect with those in our lives, find commonality with them, and begin and continue authentic relationships?

Perhaps it’s an activity you can share in. Perhaps it’s a common interest you can discuss. Perhaps it’s going to their soccer game, their band’s show, or asking them out for coffee.

We can pray for God to show us the ways to connect with those in our lives. He will show us.

It is God’s will that every person should know Him. You are not alone in wanting your loved ones to know God. God loves them even more than you do, and He wants to partner with you in revealing who He is. Jesus said in Matthew 9:37-38, “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.” You and I are commissioned to pray for more people to share the Gospel, and for more opportunities for us to do so as well.


Pray to God for opportunities to reveal His love and share His story with those you know, and those you might come across this week. God loves opening doors. Pray for them. Look for them. Expect them. And pray for the courage to walk through those doors when they open.


Who is someone in your life you will pray for an open door with? What is a way you can connect with them, and step into their world? Think about your past week and someone who you may have had a conversation with. What needs came up in that conversation? How might God want to use you to meet that need?


God, today I pray that you would open doors for me to reveal your love to those around me. Give me boldness and courage to share your story through my life. Help me not to miss the open doors that you put right in front of me. In my family, at work, at school - wherever I go, please give me more opportunities to share you with others. And help me see the opportunities I already have. Amen.

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How Do I Pray for Them?

In this five-day guide based on Hosanna Wong's book, How (Not) to Save the World, be equipped to fight for someone you love through the power of prayer, discover how to pray when you don't feel you have the right words, and overcome discouragement when you feel your prayers aren’t being answered. There is hope.
