God Revealed – A New Testament Journey預覽

God Revealed – A New Testament Journey

6 天中的第 3 天

Mark: Christ, Chief Cornerstone

It is on Christ’s foundation that God’s global church is built. The rejection by the “builders,” or Jews, throughout the book runs in contrast with His clear identity as the Son of God.

The gospel authored by John Mark is written in Greek directed to the Gentiles. [1] Inspiration has been drawn from Peter's (Mark’s companion in Rome) firsthand experiences of Jesus.

The Messiah
In this gospel, Jesus is acknowledged Son of God by:
- Mark (1:1)
- Holy Spirit at the baptism 1:11
- God at the transfiguration 9:7
- Peter at his confession 8:11
- Demons 5:7
- Himself before high priest 14:61, etc.

Interestingly, Christ mostly addresses himself as Son of Man, possibly prophetically.
His Miracles

There are 27 miracles, far more than other gospels. There is less of teaching as the focus is on activity. They demonstrate His power over the sea, the dead, the demons, etc.

Rejected by the builders

This dynamic display of divine power is met with great opposition primarily from the Jewish religious leaders. A bulk of the gospel covers various forms and sources of this opposition with apt responses from Christ hoping to win over even the stony hearted.
Christ continues to be rejected today – probably more by the Church than the rest of the world.

Accepted by the few

In His time as now, Christ is accepted by the few true seekers from all walks of life:
- Scribe (who asks the greatest commandment)
- Centurian (a Roman)
- Jairus the Jew
- Samaritan (crumbs)
- Leper
- paralytic (historically, the Roman leader second most powerful in world)
- Disciples

Other stones in the Quarry

- Satan and his followers –millstones around the neck; Lk 17:2, Mk 9:42
- Scribes and Pharisees – whitewashed tombstones – Matt 23:27, Mk 7:15
- Herod – Stones of destruction – Luke 18:41-44, Mk 13:2 Stones of the Temple built by Herod weighed between few tons to 160,000 pounds. They were heaved 50 feet over the Western support wall onto the street below, during the destruction of the Temple by the Romans on August 10, 70 AD. [2] This was just as Jesus prophesied – a result of the Jewish rejection of their Lord.
- Others (mostly Jews) – heart of stone – Ezk 11:19
- Disciples – living stones – 1 Peter 2:4,5

Visualize the different stones in today’s world. How can we acquire more of the “living stone” composition?
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God Revealed – A New Testament Journey

As a flash of light in darkness, the New Testament blazes hope to a world in sin. Through His sacrificial death, Christ absolves sin and shares His Kingdom - a choice offered to everyone who believes in Him. That choice, once made, mandates obedience to the benchmark lifestyle revealed by Christ in the New Testament. Having 4 parts and 30 lessons, GOD REVEALED is a sequel to GOD’S TOUCHPOINTS, An Old Testament Journey.
