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Uncommen: Transformed預覽

Uncommen: Transformed

5 天中的第 1 天


One of the most unique and memorable things about our transformation is to be open to the mystery of the Holy Spirit. We must be available to it and recognize that we cannot accomplish it independently. The apostle Paul writes, “My dear children, for whom I am again in the pains of childbirth until Christ is formed in you” (Galatians 4:19). Within this mystery, our transformation takes place through the Holy Spirit. Each believer is created for a purpose and formed through He who created us. Here Apostle Paul is agonizing the pains over the wayward behavior of the Galatians conforming to the world’s ways. Today this is so easy to do for fear of upsetting a family member, friend, or coworker. The whole process of life is a mystery. Even though science can explain it, birth is always a miracle and a God thing. The Apostle Paul shares in Romans 12:2, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Renewing the mind and soul is a metamorphosis, much like the caterpillar who enters into the cocoon’s darkness to emerge, eventually changing beyond recognition. The change is so profound that the caterpillar transcends its previous existence into a different form with unique capacities. The caterpillar is entirely unaware of the process and the result, yet it is obedient with an understanding of “it is time.” Trusting the process, the caterpillar submits to the inner urging and a new life filled with purpose.

Whatever we think we might know about it, the decision to give ourselves to the experience of spiritual transformation brings us to the very edge of what we know. It allows us to peer into the unknown. It is what makes us unique. Know that we cannot change ourselves or anyone else. Still, we can create the conditions in which spiritual transformation can occur and develop a rhythm of spiritual practices to keep our communication to God open and available.

Utilizing God’s given messages works toward your journey of discovery and becoming what makes you. Lectio Divina translates into a Divine reading; it creates a way to allow intimate immersion into the Scripture. It makes a safe place to respond in ways unique to how we ordinarily hold tight, comfortable lives. Lectio Divina allows a safe discomfort to challenge, change transform, making the word of God active and alive as described in Hebrews 4:12. “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and Spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” Its movements bring Scripture to life.

Uncommen Questions:

  • Become present before the Lord and ask what I need to hear today? Read through Romans 12:2 four times consecutively, asking a different question, inviting the Holy Spirit to serve a dynamic word to you.
  • Reread the passage and ask. How do I feel about what is being said? Where do I find myself resonating deeply with this?

Uncommen Challenge:

Who is someone in your social circle that seems a bit unstable? Could you remind them of who they are?



Uncommen: Transformed

Join us as we examine one of the most unique and memorable things about our transformation and how we have to be open to the mystery of the Holy Spirit for it to happen.
