Follow Your Calling預覽

You will need allies to cope. As you already understood, there will be difficulties in your calling and each of us needs people. As the famous saying goes: “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”
I have been collaborating with various people practically throughout the entire period of my ministry. Sometimes it's a short-term relationship, sometimes it's a long-term one. I would like to mention a few points on why it’s important:
1. You may not always be right.
2. The experience of one and that of five team members is different (therefore the more experienced they are - the better)
3. Sometimes you do not see yourself from the outside and people can help you with this.
We find many stories in the Bible where people united to fulfill their calling. God gave Aaron and Miriam to help Moses, David had Jonathan, Elijah had a faithful friend Elisha. Paul served together with young Timothy and later he blessed him for the ministry. Do not be afraid of people: they will help you and you will do better than you planned.

This plan will inspire every reader to see in himself a person who, like millions of other people, is called to a specific mission. No matter who you are or what you have, God is calling you today. Just trust in God and start searching your calling with the help of the Bible and the greatest biblical examples. I believe in You. You will succeed.