Attributes of Love by MOPS International預覽

Love Endures
I like definitions a lot. Knowing the truest meaning of a word helps me understand the context in which it is used. Definitions give single words a list of descriptors, adding color and life to their meaning. We hear these two words used often, but take a moment to sit in the simplicity of their definitions from the Oxford Language Dictionary:
Love—an intense feeling of deep affection; a great interest or pleasure in something or someone.
Endure—to suffer (something painful or difficult) patiently or to remain in existence; to last.
Knowing the definition of words used in Scripture adds a level of depth and direction that is critical to understanding God’s message. First Corinthians 13:7 says, Love endures all things.
Love (an intense, deep affection) doesn’t just think about enduring (remaining, suffering patiently) all things. It does endure all things. It continues to remain. That is one of its great purposes. I often hear this passage used to remind us to stick with something or to support someone during a season of suffering.
Perhaps, often lost, is a focus on the fact that this is how Jesus loves us. He is the perfect example of how to love someone—how to love everyone—well. He showed His ultimate love for us by dying on the cross, absorbing our sins, our suffering. and making them His own. Beyond that, He daily shows the level of His enduring love on our behalf. How?
Firstly, and perhaps most importantly, Jesus endures us. He endures our fumbling and our comings and goings. He never leaves. He sees us as we truly are—mistakes, bad attitudes, addictions, regrets and pain. He knows what it is to be human. He became one of us because of His love for us. He doesn’t leave us in our brokenness. His love compels us to choose obedience and abundant life.
Secondly, Jesus stays. When suffering comes, when pain comes, He journeys with us. He patiently stays beside us offering hope, encouragement, and love. When life is unruly and loud, His quiet presence can still even the stormiest of hearts. We can have peace knowing that the Holy Spirit will guide and direct us through all of life’s challenges.
Consider this:
Jesus promised to keep us. He promised to endure alongside us, despite us—despite our doubts and failures. He promises, and the promises of Jesus are trustworthy. His love is trustworthy. His love endures.

The kind of love Paul describes in 1 Corinthians 13 is hard to imagine — because it is perfect, and we are not. The best way to understand each of these attributes is to see how they are lived out in the life of Jesus. Throughout this study we will take a look at how Jesus put love into action, and how we should fashion our lives after His example.