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One Thing: 7 Days to Discover a Simpler Faith預覽

One Thing: 7 Days to Discover a Simpler Faith

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ONE THING TO CHOOSE ~ Distraction, worry, and resentment is, what I like to call, the “worship thieves.” As Christians, our joy, peace, contentment, devotion, humility, and gratitude can be taken right from under our noses by these subtle thieves. We have to be aware of their tactics because it’s difficult to see the one thing that’s truly important in our faith—which is to maintain a heart of worship and awe of God—when we’re overwhelmed with tasks, responsibilities, and expectations. We can be consumed with how other people view us and with doing all the things we think we’re “supposed to do.” This is where Martha found herself in Luke 10:38-42, when Jesus, the Messiah, arrived at her house. 

Martha became frustrated as she busily made preparations for her guests. Meanwhile, her sister Mary sat at the Lord’s feet, listening to everything He had to say. Martha saw this and asked Jesus if He cared. Then, she demanded that He tell Mary to help her. Luke 10:41–42 says, “The Lord answered, ‘Martha, Martha! You are worried and upset about so many things, but only one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen what is best, and it will not be taken away from her’” (CEV). 

Have you chosen what is best? Yes, work and responsibilities are facts of life; however, they don’t have to be the priority. I once saw a video demonstration where a person poured a bunch of pebbles into a glass jar. When he or she tried to put larger rocks into that same jar after the pebbles were poured in, the rocks didn’t fit. The pebbles took up too much space. But when they placed the big rocks into the jar first—and then the pebbles—it all fit into the jar. It’s the same for us as we balance our worship and devotion with the everyday tasks in life. If we put our relationship with Christ first, we’ve made sure the most important thing fits into the space of our lives. With that foundation, there will be room for all the smaller things that do not have as much impact on eternity or the Kingdom of God. And anything that doesn’t fit beyond that, was probably not that important anyway.   

Work and worries will constantly try to distract you from your true devotion to the Lord, but don’t allow them to steal your joy and perspective. When you remain at the feet of Jesus, know that that is the one thing that brings true peace, fulfillment, and contentment.

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One Thing: 7 Days to Discover a Simpler Faith

Each day, thousands of choices press for your attention. Our world wrestles with numerous, legitimate social concerns. They all shout for us to weigh in and take a side. Do you ever wonder how things became so complicated? Dudley Rutherford highlights seven passages of Scripture where you’ll find the powerfully uncomplicated phrase: “one thing.” These Scriptures will quiet all the noise and call you back to a simpler faith.
