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Faith and Patience預覽

Faith and Patience

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There Isn’t An App for That - Patience

“My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.”
- James 1:2-4 NKJV Emphasis Added

Patience is everyone’s favorite subject. Ok, I know it’s not really, but it should be. The results of patience are great, but that’s a topic for another time. Today, we are talking about two elements of patience: it's needed, and it grows."

When your faith is tested, it presents an excellent opportunity for your patience to grow. This opportunity is extraordinary because it’s through patience that you may become perfect and complete, lacking nothing. 

“Patience Is Necessary To Become Who God Called You To Be.” – Devon Daniel

“Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”
- Philippians 1:6 NLT

Perfect in this verse means “brought to its end.” That doesn’t mean that you are going to die, but it means that you are growing to be who God desires you to be in your mind and your will. James is referring to your soul in this verse. Spiritually, once you are a child of God, you are already renewed and perfect in Christ. 

Patience isn’t an app that we can download and have in a few seconds. Patience is a process that takes time. Most importantly, we have to allow patience to work. You have to be patient in your patience. You will have to apply it repeatedly: yearly, monthly, weekly, daily, hourly … maybe even by the minute. 

Give Yourself A Break

Sometimes the person that we are the least patient with is ourselves. In the past, daily I said to myself “if only I did this earlier” and “I should be so much further along.” To be patient with other people, you must first learn how to be patient with yourself. 

Faith is a confident expectation that what we asked God for will happen. Keep that expectation strong. Remind yourself of His promises by finding His promises in the Bible and saying it regularly. As you do, your patience will grow; your soul will become perfect: complete and lacking nothing.

Confession Today

Today, I will allow patience to have its perfect work in me. My faith will be tested and patience will be produced, so I will allow patience to work in me. I know it won’t be instantaneous, but I will stick with it. Patience is necessary to become who God called me to be. I will give myself a break and be patient with myself. 

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Faith and Patience

God is pleased by faith, so we need to know how to live by faith. One of the most overlooked aspects of faith is patience. Patience is needed for a life of faith. Patience has great benefits if we allow it to have its perfect work in us. - Devon Daniel, Executive Pastor at Believer's Victory Church
