Target: Aiming To Focus On God預覽

Stay committed to God’s plan despite what is going around you. God’s targeted plan for you might require achieving something that has never been accomplished and through your obedience God is able to use you for His glory.
God is faithful and will come through in his word concerning you despite the challenges you are currently facing. Remember that you are more than a conqueror through Christ who loves you (Romans 8:37). Also “be strong and do not lose courage, for there is reward for your work.” (2 Chronicles 15:7)
You might not be able to effectively explain God’s plan for your life, but committing to obedience and following God’s commands is to be your main target. An individual who aimed to complete God’s targeted plan for their life was Noah. God entrusted Noah with a great task. Noah was to build an ark according to God’s detailed specifications and bring the required number of animals in the ark. Additionally, Noah was to take every kind of edible food in the ark for not only himself and his family but for the animals too.
Today an ark might not seem like a big deal because we are familiar with rain, but before the flood God watered the earth from below. God caused streams to come up from the earth and watered the whole surface of the ground (Genesis 2:6). So back then I believe Noah faced negative scrutiny, mockery and harassment as the same individuals who God vowed to destroy laughed at him for building an ark as he waited on God’s promise to come to fruition.
Out of all the human beings on the earth, Noah found favor with God because Noah aimed to focus on God’s targeted plan for his life by faithfully walking with God and being righteous before God. Because of Noah’s relationship and obedience to God, his family was blessed as well as future generations.
When you aim to focus on God’s targeted plans for your life, you are able to positively impact and influence others in Christ.
When one deliberately elects to reject God’s targeted plan for their life, it can negatively impact and influence others and those in close relation to them.
As you aim to focus on God’s Targeted Plan for your life, ask God for wisdom and strength to Aim Towards the Target.
God has great plans for you!

Aiming to focus and accomplish God’s plan is a key target for true success. When individuals seek to obey God’s commands regarding His targeted plan for their lives, positive consequences follow. This Bible plan will encourage readers through scripture to obey God’s commands in the midst of the many distractions seeking to hinder their godly focus.