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Unlocking God’s Promises in Prayer: Yellow Brick Road預覽

Unlocking God’s Promises in Prayer: Yellow Brick Road

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God Uses Storms to Get Your Attention

Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing, and perfect will.
Romans 12:2

We all have a “storm story,” so I want to share some sunshine by pouring tough love on you for a moment, but it’s for your own good. It’s important to understand that the mess you find yourself in is because you’re complicating God’s promise for your life. Maybe you’re going through that storm right now. Maybe it’s an addiction, or debt, or marriage problems, etc. Maybe you’re going through life gripped by fear and doubt. Maybe you need healing from a past relationship, or there is sickness in your body. No matter what you’re facing, there is only one way—one road, one yellow brick road—to that place of God’s promise.

We all have a storm story. As a matter of fact, rarely have I met a strong person who doesn’t have one. When God uses a storm, His intention is to bring order from chaos and to bring us into alignment with our assignment. In my crazy life, God used a storm to get my attention. 

Think about the areas of chaos in your life and consider how God might use these storms to bring about a much-needed change. I was caught in storms of drug addiction, lust, and anger, as well as prison, and God used each of these chaotic situations to bring me closer to my purpose. God will use our mistakes and our circumstances to bring about His greater plan and glory. 

We respond to trouble and pain in the same way Dorothy tried to run away from the storm. After all, who really wants to go through a storm? Wouldn’t we rather be magically transferred to a place where there is no trouble and be free of pain? God, on the other hand, uses these opportunities to take us through difficult times so that we can be refined in the fire. It’s in those times that our transformation becomes central to becoming the person God wants to use for leading others to Him.

What is God speaking to you out of your current circumstances? The truth is, God is always speaking, and He desires to get your attention. Ever notice how God will use a person, social media, or even a random sign to get His message across to you? If so, do you ignore it, or are you receptive and ready to listen? He’s talking to you right now in RED letters. He loves you.

Call to action

What will it take for God to get your attention? Have you asked God to do just that?

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Unlocking God’s Promises in Prayer: Yellow Brick Road

Pastor Juan Martinez gives you the keys for unlocking God’s promises. After escaping with his life during 2017’s Hurricane Harvey, God blessed him with a Wizard-of-Oz-related revelation for unlocking the promises of heaven. From New York's streets to hard time in Texas prisons leading to a radical transformation that launched an impassioned ministry, Pastor Juan shares God’s message for powerful prayer in the midst of storms.
