The Gospel of Mark (Part Five)預覽

The Nature of Power and the Power of Service
By Danny Saavedra
“When the ten heard about this, they became indignant with James and John. Jesus called them together and said, ‘You know that those who are regarded as rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all.”—Mark 10:41–44 (NIV)
Have you ever been trapped in a moment that made you want to crawl into a hole? Maybe you went in for a hug, but all they wanted was a handshake. Or you brought your mom to ask your boss for a promotion in front of all your coworkers. Awkward!
Today’s passage shows us how the disciples reacted to James and John’s questionable choice to have mommy ask Jesus for her sons to sit at His right and left hand, the positions of highest honor in a kingdom. And despite Jesus’ explanation that those seats have already been prepared and assigned, as you can imagine, the other ten disciples weren’t happy with them. Imagine James and John coming back to the group, and the other ten are sitting there with their arms crossed, staring daggers at them. We’re told they were “indignant” (aganaktein), which means “angry; incensed.” They were filled with wrath and resentful toward them. But then Jesus steps in and flips their understanding of authority, leadership, and influence on its head and once again reiterates the truth of what it means to follow Him and be part of His kingdom.
“You know that those who are regarded as rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them.” The world’s way is to seek position, status, and gain power, then “lord it over” others. Essentially, Jesus is asserting that humanity’s inclination toward authority contains the innate sinful tendency toward tyranny and abuse of power, to elevate self over others, and seek one’s gain regardless of the method. But those in positions of influence in the kingdom, are to be wholly different. How so?
“Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all.” Do you see that? In the hierarchy of Christ’s kingdom, we’re not called to rule but to serve according to the example of the Son of God and in accordance with and complete submission to the will of God. The Church is not to operate like the world! We aren’t called to be “leaders,” we’re servants—first of God and then of one another. Christ commanded us as His disciples to deny ourselves and take up our cross. To do this, we would have to die to self, operate in humility, surrender to His will and work, forsake our ambitions, lay down our sinful inclinations toward furthering ourselves, and sacrifice all for the cause and kingdom of Christ! This is leadership; it’s the kind of example worth following because it points people to Jesus and shows people what it looks like to live and walk according to His good purpose!
Pause: What is the difference between worldly authority and kingdom authority?
Practice: Serving one another is a demonstration of leadership in the kingdom. So today, go out of your way to serve another believer.
Pray: Father, thank You for the example of leadership as demonstrated by Jesus. Please help me walk in humility and surrender my will, plans, and ambition to serve You. Please help me walk in Your purpose and serve those You have placed in my life. Amen.

In part five of the seven-part devotional journey through the Gospel of Mark, we'll examine Mark 9:30-10:52, continuing our verse-by-verse breakdown of Jesus' life and ministry, as told by John Mark.