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The Gospel of Mark (Part Four)預覽

The Gospel of Mark (Part Four)

21 天中的第 13 天

Jesus Alone

By Lisa Supp

“Suddenly, when they looked around, they no longer saw anyone with them except Jesus.”—Mark 9:8 (NIV)

In this series on Mark, the question presents itself, “Who is Jesus?” Fortunately, in this age, we see in greater light. Yet, the men who accompanied Jesus in His earthly ministry were a little bewildered by Him. Who was this Man who healed the blind, cast out demons, and had authority over storms, sickness, and death? Who was this Man who defied religiosity? Peter thought he knew.

“You are the Messiah” (Mark 8:29 NIV) was Peter’s reply when Jesus asked His disciples who they thought He was. An astute answer, but his idea of what that meant only went so far. A Messiah to save, yes; yet certainly not one who would suffer persecution at the demands of His people, die, and then rise from the dead (Mark 8:31). Yet, that is exactly what Jesus said would happen. These words couldn’t have been easy to hear, and they ruminated in Peter’s heart for six days.

Then, Jesus showed Peter who He was. He radiated His glory before Peter, James, and John. What could any of them think? Peter thought he knew.

“Rabbi, it is good for us to be here. Let us put up three shelters—one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah” (Mark 9:5 NIV). For Peter, this was what Israel was waiting for. Jesus in His magnificent glory was joined by Moses and Elijah. The Messiah, the law, and the prophets—all three had culminated together in one place. I’m sure none of them wanted to leave, for surely the kingdom of God had arrived.  

But that was not to be. A tabernacle would not be raised there; Moses and Elijah faded from view. All at once, a cloud formed, it overshadowed them, and a voice would call out from it saying, “This is my Son, whom I love. Listen to him” (Mark 9:7 NIV)! In the quiet, the three men stared at Jesus alone before them. Their reality shaken, yet their perspective honed.

This is what we know: It is Jesus alone who fulfills the law of Moses and the words of the prophets (Matthew 5:17; Luke 24:7). Jesus, who is the Way, the Truth and the Life; Jesus, the Son of Man who chose to come to earth and live as a man, to shepherd the lost, heal the sick, and champion mankind’s plight over sin and death. Jesus, who willingly went to Golgotha to suffer and die, and Jesus who was raised from the dead to usher in a new age—the age of grace. 

This is what we know. Jesus is God the Father’s beloved Son—the messenger and mouthpiece. Listen to Him. 

Pause: Who is Jesus to you? How has this study through Mark helped to hone your perspective of Him as not just a healer or miracle worker, but the beloved Son of God? 

Practice: In Peter’s second epistle, he wrote that we would “do well to pay attention” (1 Peter 2:19). Consider areas in your walk with Jesus where obedience is lacking and listen to Him. 

Pray: Father, until the day I join You in glory, there are things I don’t see nor understand. There is sin I struggle with daily. Please forgive me, Lord, and do a deeper work within me so I can appreciate You more, listen, and obey. Thank You. Amen.  

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The Gospel of Mark (Part Four)

In part four of a seven-part devotional journey through the Gospel of Mark, we’ll examine Mark 8-9:29, continuing our verse-by-verse breakdown of Jesus' life and ministry, as told by John Mark.
