Prayer Boot Camp預覽

Prayer Boot Camp

15 天中的第 10 天

Step 10: Pray Scripture out loud with someone you love. 

Have you ever prayed together with someone close to you?

Ask someone if they would be willing to pray. If you already pray on occasion, consider suggesting a regular time to pray for a few weeks. Remember, this is prayer bootcamp. You can tailor this exercise to meet your individual needs and abilities. Just remember, we are all pushing ourselves.

If this is new to you, pray the Lord’s prayer together. It provides a great pattern to follow and is a wonderful first step to building community with God. 

If we want to learn to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17), it is important to bring God into everything we do. As we grow in our ability to pray with others, we increase spiritual intimacy with them. We can grow more comfortable praying with our colleagues, friends, and family.

We invite You to remind us to pray with our loved ones. Increase our ability to see opportunities to pray. When we are upset, we can pray. When we are happy, we can come to You. You are our strength.

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Prayer Boot Camp

Prayer Boot Camp will push your prayer life to a new level. At first, you’ll participate in prayer exercises on your own. Then, you’ll be challenged to pray with others. By the end, you’ll have completed many prayer exercises that will instill confidence in your ability to pray alone and with others.
