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Reality Check預覽

Reality Check

21 天中的第 3 天

No-one is born with the innate understanding of the law of gravity. We may often observe that things go up and come down, but rarely do we naturally think that there has to be a universal law that governs everything that has mass. What’s interesting is that those who do know that this law exists and understand it well, are in a very real sense freer than those that don’t. Because the engineer understands the law of gravity, he can use it to his advantage and create machines that seem to defy gravity, and fly. Because the acrobat knows this law, she can jump and swing through the air with the greatest of ease. Those most free are those that know the laws and limits, and operate to the fullest within them.

To understand that Christ is before all things, that everything was created through Him and for Him, is to understand that reality itself is centered on Jesus. To try and live outside of that reality is ultimately meaningless, and the cause of every form of brokenness in our lives. To live within the understanding that everything exists for Jesus and His glory is to be truly free. Once you have acknowledged Jesus as the one that is before your job, your loved ones, your search for meaning and self-worth, then only will you be free to live the abundant life in all those areas of your life.

Jesus is the image of the invisible God. He is the perfect picture of God in human form. If you want to get to God, if you want to experience the life that only God can offer, then you need to go through Jesus. You cannot get to God through anything else. If you try and make your family the image of God through which you find life, or your job, or your self-worth, or anything else, you will not find life, but rather disappointment and brokenness. Having Jesus as our ultimate meaning and source of life enables us to live our lives fully for His glory. 

Application: Meditate on the fact that Jesus is before all things. Mull over its grandness and what it means. Now think of your life and whether Jesus is truly before every aspect of your life, or if there are aspects of your life that you see as actually defining your reality. 

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Reality Check

The letter to the Church in Colossae was written by Paul as a REALITY CHECK on the things that are considered of greatest value for those following Jesus, the threats against them and how to live amidst the culture surrounding them. He investigates the vast ideas of Christ’s Supremacy, which is ultimate reality, all the way to the personal understanding of our new reality in Christ and fullness in Him.
