4 Financial Lessons From Solomon (The Richest Man in History)預覽

Have you ever waited for a perfect time to do something? I think the reason that some of us wait for the perfect time is that we are trying to wait until there is no risk. It is human nature – we want to eliminate any and all risk of bad things happening.
No matter how much we try, we can NEVER eliminate all risk. Any time we step out into anything there will be some level of risk, but that is not an excuse not to take action. It is okay to take a risk, even if you are afraid.
If it is stepping out into a new job, taking the first step to get out of debt, quit a bad habit, apply to further your education, start a side business, start to build your portfolio and invest, or anything else – there will always be an excuse not to take action.
Step out and be one of those people who realizes that the perfect time is now. Just take one step, and then another. Big things happen with small efforts. I encourage you to do it scared, do it now… even if you are taking baby steps. Just do it!

The Bible says that Solomon was the richest man who ever lived and also the wisest to ever live. It is estimated that his net worth was over $2 TRILLION. I think that makes him qualified to give financial advice, and we would be wise to learn some financial lessons from Solomon!