Passion Week預覽

Passion Week

8 天中的第 8 天

Our Cross

Because He died, we can live. Because He obeyed, we can be forgiven. Because He was condemned, we can be saved.

Following Jesus is not about better, faster, stronger, higher. It is about recognizing our helplessness, admitting our guilt, and receiving His sacrifice on our behalf. Everything depends on the crucifixion and resurrection. Everything. That means nothing is left to depend on us. Grace is something we receive, not something we earn.



Passion Week

The Winning Walk has created a unique collection of devotionals to help you remember some of the events surrounding the betrayal and crucifixion of Jesus, and to lead you to worship God for the amazing sacrifice He made on our behalf. This is not a traditional rendering of the Stations of the Cross, but a fresh perspective on an ancient practice.
