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Journey Through John

24 天中的第 3 天


John 2:17 “Zeal for your house will consume me.”


What was it that really stirred up Jesus’ emotions? What was He passionate about? It was His Father’s glory and honor. Jesus was not a wimp. He could be very strong, outspoken, bold and even angry. But His anger wasn’t about His own petty concerns – instead, He reserved it for those times when God’s honor was at stake or when a defenseless person was being mistreated. The area of the temple where this loud animal trading was going on was supposed to be the place where Gentiles and women could seek God's presence and pray. Though these categories of people were not important to the Jewish leaders, Jesus believed that Gentiles and women should have an opportunity to pursue God in a quiet worshipful place. 


What gets me angry? When do I get passionate? Embarrassingly, it’s often really insignificant stuff: someone with more than ten items in the express lane, having to wait a long time on the phone on hold, being cut off in traffic, being charged an extra fee on my phone bill. That kind of stuff never upset Jesus. I need to turn over these petty concerns to the Lord and receive His peace for life’s little frustrations. And I need to develop stronger passion for what moves the heart of God – letting my heart be stirred when God’s honor is defamed, or when there are injustices done against defenseless people, or when spiritually hungry people are hindered from seeking God.


Lord, forgive me for letting stupid, unimportant stuff get me all worked up, while being unmoved at what really matters to you in this world. Help my heart to be stirred about what stirs your heart. I love you. Amen. 

Truths to notice:

2:4 Jesus apparently did not do miracles before this, because He waited until it was God’s timing to start doing them. 

2:11 Jesus did miracles (acts that overruled God’s normal laws of nature) as signs for the benefit of people around Him – to show that He is God and to help people put their faith in Him.

2:15-17 Jesus experienced strong emotions, even as we do – in particular, He was angry when God His Father was dishonored and when people were hindered from seeking God in worship. 

2:19-22 Jesus often spoke in metaphors that were only understood clearly later. Jesus predicted His own death and resurrection long before they took place.

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Journey Through John

This plan is designed for new Bible readers to teach and model a simple process for ordinary people to hear God's voice within God's Word and grow in their understanding of Him. The Gospel of John is a great place to start discovering who Jesus is and the SOAP acronym guides us as we invite God to speak to us about our own lives.
