Faith to Move Mountains - A Disciple-Maker's Devotional預覽
Be Strong and Courageous
In the first chapter of Joshua, the words “Be strong and courageous” are repeated four times! God was trying to get a message through to this new leader. Moses was dead and now it was Joshua’s time to rise up and lead the people. It was his season. It was his destiny. It was what God had prepared him for. Yet, he was afraid. He would face many difficulties and many challenges ahead. There were battles to be fought, rivers to cross, and enemies to push back. He was going into new territory, taking new land. Joshua must have needed to hear those words more than just once.
As church planters work in the frontiers they are much like Joshua. They are taking new places and peoples for His Kingdom. They are going into new territory and pushing back the forces of darkness. Sometimes they feel young and inexperienced. Yet, like Joshua, they are the ones God has chosen for this task.
When He calls any of us, He promises to be with us, to go before us, to fight for us, and to help us in every situation. He speaks to us all today, once again, to “Be strong and courageous. Be strong and courageous. Be strong and courageous. Be strong and very courageous.”
This strength is not just a physical strength. It is a strength of spirit, a strength of heart. God spoke to Joshua and He speaks to us: “Don’t give in to fear and doubt. Be strong in your spirit. Rise up in faith and the power of God. Be courageous!” Courage is the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, or pain—without fear. To be courageous means to look at those dangers, fears, or difficulties and say, “I refuse to let you control me. I’m going forward in spite of you!” This strength and courage comes from the sure knowledge that God is with us. If God is for us, then who can be against us? We have no reason to fear.
God had promised the Israelites the land long before they entered. Joshua was leading them in to take possession. He went forward based on the day-3 command and promise of God. As we work among unreached peoples, we must remember these things. God has promised to give us these people. It’s already written in the Book of Revelation that people from every tribe and nation will worship Him. God has commanded His disciples to go to all nations and peoples with His Good News. So we will rise up and be strong. We will face the dangers and difficulties with courage. We will cross our Jordan Rivers and take possession of the people groups he has given us. For we know our God is with us!
Personal questions to consider:
1. How strong do you feel in your spirit today? Speak to your soul with the Scripture above.
2. What are you facing now that requires courage? What will you do next?
Pray for the frontline workers to:
1. Find strength for their spirits from God and His word.
2. Identify what difficulty, danger, or pain is trying to keep them afraid to go forward or to keep working for God.
Need encouragement in making disciples among the unreached? Seven days of inspiring devotionals will encourage your heart and build your faith. The authors share a scripture, a story, and a challenge from years of front-line experience in working among the unreached. Missions, evangelism, disciple-making, and church planting can be difficult. This devotional will kickstart your faith for a movement of disciples among the unreached.