The Covenant Of God's Love預覽

"Enter the Presence of God"
Because we have discovered and received God’s love through Jesus Christ, we have entrance into the very presence of God through prayer. Jesus is our one great or High Priest who has made each believer acceptable to God through His sacrifice on the cross (v. 19-20).
Because of this, we can be certain we are forgiven of our sin and invited to draw near to our loving Father for fellowship (v. 21).
This fellowship with God puts us in relationship with other believers. The Church is the way our Lord Jesus has established for us to minister and be ministered unto in fellowship with others in His Body.
In the Church we express our consistent witness (v. 23). We are admonished to hold fast the confession of our hope or faith. This means we are to live in and share our hope in God’s love and grace with others. Our witness stays strongest when we stand with others in sharing the Good News through the Church.
The Church is the place for compassionate watch care (v. 24). In the Church we encourage one another to grow in our love relationship with God. We also stimulate one another to do the works of grace that God has planned to perform in us (Ephesians 2.10).
Corporate worship is the purpose of the Church. In Hebrews 10.25, we are taught that we are not to forsake assembling together. The word for “forsake” is the same word that Jesus used from the cross when He cried, “My God, why have you forsaken me?” It means to abandon. We are not to abandon the gathering of God’s family, the Church.
The best way for a believer in Jesus to grow in God’s love and grace is through active participation in the Church. The Church will encourage you. The Church will help you learn to pray and study the Scriptures. The Church enhances our witness. Determine now to let the Holy Spirit lead you to a church where the Word of God is preached and taught. Be baptized. Become a part of the local congregation of believers.
Show up, and you will grow up. When your church has Bible study, show up! When your church worships, show up! When the church prays, pray. Whatever the church does as an expression of its witness show up! As you participate in God’s church, you will grow up in God’s grace and love.
To continue your journey start reading the Gospel of John.
Because we have discovered and received God’s love through Jesus Christ, we have entrance into the very presence of God through prayer. Jesus is our one great or High Priest who has made each believer acceptable to God through His sacrifice on the cross (v. 19-20).
Because of this, we can be certain we are forgiven of our sin and invited to draw near to our loving Father for fellowship (v. 21).
This fellowship with God puts us in relationship with other believers. The Church is the way our Lord Jesus has established for us to minister and be ministered unto in fellowship with others in His Body.
In the Church we express our consistent witness (v. 23). We are admonished to hold fast the confession of our hope or faith. This means we are to live in and share our hope in God’s love and grace with others. Our witness stays strongest when we stand with others in sharing the Good News through the Church.
The Church is the place for compassionate watch care (v. 24). In the Church we encourage one another to grow in our love relationship with God. We also stimulate one another to do the works of grace that God has planned to perform in us (Ephesians 2.10).
Corporate worship is the purpose of the Church. In Hebrews 10.25, we are taught that we are not to forsake assembling together. The word for “forsake” is the same word that Jesus used from the cross when He cried, “My God, why have you forsaken me?” It means to abandon. We are not to abandon the gathering of God’s family, the Church.
The best way for a believer in Jesus to grow in God’s love and grace is through active participation in the Church. The Church will encourage you. The Church will help you learn to pray and study the Scriptures. The Church enhances our witness. Determine now to let the Holy Spirit lead you to a church where the Word of God is preached and taught. Be baptized. Become a part of the local congregation of believers.
Show up, and you will grow up. When your church has Bible study, show up! When your church worships, show up! When the church prays, pray. Whatever the church does as an expression of its witness show up! As you participate in God’s church, you will grow up in God’s grace and love.
To continue your journey start reading the Gospel of John.

“There is a God in Heaven who loves you as you are and not as you should be.” This reading plan is a testament of God’s love through His Word to tell us that He loves us as we are. That love will save us from our sin and make us what we should be as God’s children.