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Standing Strong: Overcoming Adversity & Living Confidently預覽

Standing Strong: Overcoming Adversity & Living Confidently

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Do It Scared

Our comfort zone is where we believe we will be cared for, where we know we can do a great job, and where life is safe and secure. It’s where we can live life cuddling in a fuzzy blanket, eating snacks, and never worrying about tomorrow.

But God’s calling on our lives is often a call to abandon what creates comfort. Everything of meaning, of wonder, of beauty, and of happiness happens outside where we feel comfortable.

When we live outside our comfort zones, we hold on to the comfort of God and these truths he offers:

Our fear makes us insecure. Our God makes us confident.
Our fear tells us we can’t. Our God tells us he is able.
Our fear says we’ll fail. Our God says he’s already won.
Our fear tells us to freeze. Our God tells us to fly.

We can feel afraid and do it anyway because God is the one calling us to the unknown.

Feeling afraid and doing it anyway is the difference between staying frozen in fear and living a life of meaning and purpose.

What does fear look like in your life? What do you dream of doing yet still resist? What do you talk yourself out of?

Sometimes we play small because we see the gap between where we are now and where God is leading us, and the chasm seems so wide that you believe it can’t be crossed.

Fear screams at us when we are on the cusp of a new season ripe with strength and beauty. It is the biggest hindrance to our living up to our potential and overcoming what holds us back. And the only way to face it and move forward is to roar back with truth, even if we have to start small and scary.

Imagine what would have happened if the Israelites hadn’t taken that first step into the Red Sea (Exodus 14:13–30). 

Think about Peter’s faith and what he would have missed out on had he not stepped out of the boat (Matthew 14:22–33). 

Picture the story of the paralytic’s four friends. What if they had never dug through the roof to get to Jesus (Mark 2:1–12)? 

Every single one of these people took one scary intentional step. And you can too. 

Start by saying one prayer. 

Do one lap around the track. 

Say you’re sorry to one person. 

Write one paragraph. 

Send one text.

God calls, we are sure it will all fall apart, we can’t imagine that we are up for what he is calling us to, we take shaky steps in obedience, and he shows up.

Every single time.

Your fear is not a sign you aren’t meant to move forward. Feel the fear and do it anyway. 

Baby step it into your destiny, sister. Your calling is worth it. You are worth it. And eventually those scared baby steps will become easier and you’ll be well on your way to standing strong as the great woman of God you already are.

Action Step: Share one small, scary step you want to take towards your future with a friend. Ask them to encourage you and follow up with you to make sure you took the step and didn’t shrink back in fear.

Prayer: Lord, I know that you have called me to bravery and not timidity. I want to wait until I have certainty about moving forward, but you’re asking me to move forward in faith. Give me the courage to do it afraid for the glory of your name. Amen. 


This plan was adapted from the book Standing Strong: A Woman’s Guide to Overcoming Adversity and Living with Confidence. 

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Standing Strong: Overcoming Adversity & Living Confidently

This 5-day Bible Plan from Alli Worthington’s new book, Standing Strong, will help you remember who you are in the face of adversity and reclaim the dream God has for you. It's time to realize you're stronger than you think. A woman's place is anywhere God sends her--walking in the confidence that only comes from him. You can't break a woman who draws her strength from God.
