Jesus at the Door: Evangelism Made Easy預覽

We Ride, He Waits
A tandem is built for two. Here is how it works: The person at the front is called the captain, the one at the back is called the stoker. The captain’s job is to navigate the course. The stoker’s job is to pedal. Both parties work together in a fluid motion. What a picture of a perfect partnership! The captain will not move without the movement of the stoker, and the stoker will not know where to move without the direction of the captain. They are equally committed to each other in partnership.
In the same way, evangelism is partnership, and partnership is power.
If we bring the partnership, the Holy Spirit will bring the power. He is the Captain, and every day He is looking over His shoulder to see who is willing to start pedaling—those who will trust Him to lead their every step. Maybe you have been crying out for a move of God and He has been crying out for a move from you.
After I have trained people in Jesus at the Door and we are about to go out onto the streets, I tell them, “I cannot tell you what’s going to happen today as I’m not the Captain. All I know is that something wonderful will happen.” It is inconceivable that it would not. Whenever you get close to the Captain, it means you are close to the power source.
A beautiful picture of this is the woman with an issue of blood who came from behind Jesus, touched the border of His garment and was healed. She got close enough to partner with the Captain so that the power was released, producing her healing.
Every move you make, every person you approach, do it through the lens of your Captain. Think of the moment, for instance, when you pedal up to someone. As you stop pedaling momentarily, the person’s level of openness is your gauge. It reveals whether your Captain wants to stop here or not. If the person is not ready, there is your answer. You then place your foot back on the pedal and off you go again until you find the one who responds in a way that reveals clearly your Captain is stopping.

Evangelism is hard when we try to maintain control, but it becomes easy when we release control to God. This devotional will guide you into seeing the power of the Gospel and how to partner with God to see greater results without feeling the pressure to perform.