What Is God Like? A 21-Day Reading Plan預覽

God Is Full Of Grace
Grace can be a tough concept to grasp. God is often described as gracious, but what does that mean for us? We sing about it, we read about it, and we talk about it. But do we understand it?
Many of us operate under the assumption that God’s grace is like human grace — imperfect, exchange-based, reactive, and subject to change. We feel the pressure to earn grace, and we have an enemy who wants to keep it that way.
Grace is a gift, purchased by Jesus’ death on the cross and given to us freely out of God’s love for us.
But the Bible is clear that grace is a gift, purchased by Jesus’ death on the cross and given to us freely out of God’s love for us. God’s grace, His undeserved favor, is not a reward for human effort. God’s grace is based entirely on who He is and who we are in Him.
God gives us grace because He wants to. By grace, we are adopted into His family, our debts paid and our sin forgiven. It is His pleasure and will to give us these things when we put our faith in Jesus.
No one can take away or lessen the power of this supernatural exchange. When we truly experience God’s grace, we cannot help but be drawn to the One who gives it to us. We worry less about messing up and focus more on getting to know the God who loves us that much.
What if we stopped exhausting ourselves trying to earn God’s favor and simply asked Him to help us see and receive what is already ours to rest in? How different would life be?
- Where in your life do you struggle to receive grace?
- Do you find it hard to give others grace? Ask God to help you view others’ shortcomings the same way He does.
- Do you feel truly adopted, redeemed, and forgiven? If not, ask God for faith to accept these free gifts He wants to give you.

What is God like? It’s a big question but an important one. What we understand about God will determine how we relate to Him. The more we know about God, the better our relationship will be. God reveals who He is throughout the Bible. Every name for God tells us something about Him. Reflect on God’s character for the next 21 days and see how your love for Him grows.