YouVersion 標誌

Stay in Your Lane預覽

Stay in Your Lane

4 天中的第 4 天

Celebrate others’ wins 

Jealousy and envy can creep into everyone’s lives and whispers that we should have received that opportunity, reward, or recognition. Combat it by celebrating other people’s wins and what may feel like a struggle to show support to others will eventually in time become genuine delight in their good fortune. True generosity of spirit means that we freely offer praise and encouragement irrespective of our own situations and even if we feel offended or our ego is wounded. 

The next time you find yourself comparing to the lives of others, remember that it is a slippery slope to unpleasant emotions and grudges towards yourself and others that will flow out into your social environments and may cost you more than you realize. Staying in your lane requires you to respect and appreciate where you are at in life and also apply the same rule to others. Visualize two lines on either side of you and know that the path you are on is unique to you as is for everyone else. It just may save you from a whole lot of unnecessary heartache and derailing. Don’t let the comparison trap steal your joy. After all, comparing other people’s highlight reel with your shortcomings is out of balance in itself so it cannot ever offer any benefit to you despite its appeal. 



Stay in Your Lane

Comparison. We all do it, but does it help us or hinder us? It’s human nature to look to others to measure our own success. Comparing where we’re at in life can help to motivate and inspire us, but it can also be destructive if we just use it to focus on our own shortcomings. Since constantly facing comparison, how can we learn to stay in our own lane?

