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The Battle預覽

The Battle

22 天中的第 19 天

Corporate Prayer

By Amy Cook

In order to take a city or capture a fortress in ancient times, an army had to storm the gates. Once soldiers pressed through the resistance, they could conquer what was inside and carry off the spoils of war. Jesus’ declaration that the gates of hell shall not prevail against the Church doesn’t make much sense when applied to a literal gate, because a physical gate can’t overpower or prevail against anyone (Matthew 16:18). However, His statement takes on new meaning when you realize the gate to a city in His day wasn’t only a point of entry, it was also a seat of authority where decisions were made. Additionally, the fact that Jesus used the plural form “gates” indicates the devil’s domain has many points of entry and seats of authority.

Satan influences the kingdoms of the world including: the arts and media, science, education, business and finance, government and false religions. At different times in history and throughout the world, these kingdoms have tried to prevail against and overpower God’s people and His truth. God prophesied to Abraham in Genesis 22:17 (KJV) that his “seed shall possess the gate of his enemies,” and as part of Christ’s Body, you’re included in that prophecy. God wants you to offensively attack, capture and conquer the enemy’s territory so that you can peacefully liberate the captives in each territory, reclaim what the devil has stolen and make Jesus’ enemies His footstool (Hebrews 10:13). Such infiltration into the kingdom of darkness requires a corporate army of prayer warriors. James 5:16 (KJV) says that “the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” Literally translated, it means that each believer’s prayers produce much power. Since you’re the light of the world, your corporate prayers become spiritual power plants that can single-handedly light an entire region. Jesus said, “That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven” (Matthew 18:19, KJV). That’s an amazing promise. No wonder the early church came together so often to pray in one accord. When they did, they saw miraculous things happen, because God’s power is released through directed, focused and united prayer.

Ungodly leaders aren’t your enemies; your enemies are the spiritual powers holding those leaders captive. 1 Timothy 2:1 instructs believers to pray for all who are in authority. By praying for the leaders and influencers sitting in the gates of Satan’s domain, you can rescue them and those whom they influence. God promises that even when it seems like you’re outnumbered, your power is multiplied when you join with other soldiers of God: “And ye shall chase your enemies, and they shall fall before you by the sword. And five of you shall chase an hundred, and an hundred of you shall put ten thousand to flight: and your enemies shall fall before you by the sword” (Leviticus 26:7–8, KJV; emphasis added).

In a democracy, change occurs when a majority of voters decide and decree something with their votes. Similarly, God delegates His authority to people on earth, and the level of authority you exercise is connected to how unified you are in prayer. Corrie ten Boom once said, “If you will work for God, form a committee. If you will work with God, form a prayer group.” Just as your votes change the governmental climate, your prayers impact the spiritual climate of a nation.

Quotation Citation: Max Lucado

Memory Verse

And take … the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit … for all the saints. Ephesians 6:17–18 (KJV)

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The Battle

In this 21-day devotional from Gateway Church, you'll discover how to stay in close communication with your heavenly Commander and obey His orders as well as how to be armed and ready for battle.
