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7 Keys To Experience Divine Acceleration預覽

7 Keys To Experience Divine Acceleration

7 天中的第 6 天

Who is the greatest?

This week, let’s continue to talk about the keys that enable us to experience divine acceleration.

I’m sure you’ve read the passage in the Bible in which Jesus’s disciples ask Him, ““Who is greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven?”” (Matthew 18:1)

It’s human nature to want to be the greatest, the most recognized. It’s also human nature to compare yourself, to put yourself down, and to place the blame on others. There’s a conflict between what we want for ourselves and what we contribute to others…

Jesus came to bring new perspective into the situation: the divine nature, which we can participate in! “And because of his glory and excellence, he has given us great and precious promises. These are the promises that enable you to share his divine nature and escape the world’s corruption caused by human desires.” (2 Peter 1:4)

This divine nature is that of a God who lowers Himself in humility to serve and obey to the end. (see Philippians 2:6-11) It is this divine nature that the Bible invites us to participate in!

The sixth key to experiencing divine acceleration is...pursuing humility as a treasure. Embracing the humble nature of the Creator and Savior. Jesus showed us the way to be great in the Kingdom of Heaven.

May I pray for you?...“Lord, lead ... and shape his/her heart and life so that humility may develop in him/her. I ask You to draw my friend ever closer to Your heart in Your presence so that he/she becomes more and more like You. Guide him/her by Your Holy Spirit and Your grace, towards the path of humility and honor. May Your favor be on his/her life, and may he/she experience Your divine acceleration in all of his/her plans! In Jesus’s name, amen.”

Thanks for existing!
Eric Célérier

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7 Keys To Experience Divine Acceleration

This week, we’re going to see together how to experience divine acceleration. When God accelerates things in our lives, it’s to bring us further, cause us to enter into His plan. Over the next several days, we will discover the behaviors and attitudes that facilitate acceleration. I hope that you will be blessed throughout these days!
