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Jesus Revealed Pt. 12 - This Is Why I Came...預覽

Jesus Revealed Pt. 12 - This Is Why I Came...

6 天中的第 4 天

Jesus' Mission Statement  

Thoughts on the Passage

Mission statements – for this purpose I have come….

A mission statement is something that defines our direction and focus. Jesus gives several throughout His ministry, but this is the most important one of them all. He came to die for the sins of mankind. Everything that Jesus did always kept this in the forefront of His mind. He never wavered from it.

Sometimes we need God to strengthen us when we face the toughest challenges that hit us as we strive toward the mission that God gives to us. Here, God speaks from heaven and declares that the mission Jesus seeks to accomplish will bring glory to His name, just as Jesus desires. However, it was not for Jesus – it was for the people around Him, people like you and me. This was because the people did not understand what the mission of Jesus was all about. They thought the Messiah was coming and His kingdom would be an eternal kingdom. How could Jesus claim that His mission was to die on a cross? 

So God speaks. God declares that what Jesus is about to accomplish will bring glory to God.
Their ability to hear and understand God speaking is mixed. Some hear. Some hear thunder. Some believe they heard the voice of an angel speak to Jesus. Their ears are not tuned into hearing God speak. They are not able to distinguish God’s voice from the noise of life. It is the same today.

Jesus does not enlighten them on what God said. Jesus does not explain when the people have questions about what He says. Jesus just tells everyone to walk in the light while you have it. A time is coming when it will be dark. Walk as children of light. That sounds strange. It is the message that John has been speaking throughout this book. Jesus brings light – walk in that light. This light brings life – choose life. To reject the light and choose darkness means we choose death. 

Choose light. Choose life.


What has God called each of us to do? It is our mission statement. It is something that we must always keep in front our hearts and actions. 

Second, hearing God. When God speaks, it is easy to have ears that are dull or unable to hear with clarity. God speaks clearly. We struggle when God speaks – but it does not seem to match what we understand of His Word. Then it does not make sense. How to hear more clearly? Walk in light. Walk daily according to the Word of God asking Him to reveal it to us.

Time to Pray

Father, every day I am challenged by the situations I face. I am challenged to live my life fulfilling the mission You have given me. It is so easy to be distracted by problems, needs, good things, great things, weariness…. I want to just keep my focus. Just like Jesus, I do not want to see people as an obstacle to my mission, but as a key part of my mission. Like Jesus, I was to hear You clearly as well. When I walk in the light of Your Word, I will hear clearly because Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. So let Your light shine on me today! In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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Jesus Revealed Pt. 12 - This Is Why I Came...

We all know that we have a purpose in life. Sometimes it’s clear as day – other times, not so much. Finding our purpose in life is a journey as we all have different ways in which we have been gifted to serve God and others. In Part 12 we see Jesus preparing to carry out one of His main reasons for coming to earth – to set mankind free!
