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Journey To The Resurrection預覽

Journey To The Resurrection

11 天中的第 6 天

Tuesday was one of the longest, harshest days in Jesus' earthly life. His rejection of the moneychangers on Monday inflamed the authorities. As He returned to the Holy City from Bethany, His enemies were waiting for Him, their trap baited.

Their question seems simple: "Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar, or not?" (Matthew 22:17). But their challenge forced Jesus to take a stand on the most incendiary controversy of their day. 

Rome required every subject of the Empire to pay the "poll tax," using a coin whose inscription praised Caesar as divine. If Jesus supported such idolatry, the adoring crowds would morph into an ugly mob and reject him as their Messiah. If He rejected the tax, the Roman soldiers standing guard would arrest Him instantly for sedition. Either way, His enemies would be rid of this Galilean and His threat to their authority.

Jesus' answer stunned His opponents into silence: "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's" (v. 21). We are to be loyal to our country, but first we are to be loyal to our Lord. He deserves our obedience, worship, and gratitude.

He encountered the authorities more times on this day and each time responded with Scripture, as He did when tempted by Satan. By enraging the authorities, He sealed His doom. He would pay to be faithful to God with His life.

What do you owe God today? 

Your next breath is His gift. He has forgiven every sin you've confessed to Him. If Jesus is your Lord, He has given you eternal life by His grace. 

Now your Father wants you to love Him "with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength" and to "love your neighbor as yourself" (Mark 12:30–31). Despite the conventional wisdom of our day, true Christianity is not private, subjective opinion but positive, transforming action.

So, spiritually examine yourself this Holy Tuesday: 

• Would God say that you love Him with all your "heart" (your will and decisions)? 

• All your "soul" (your personal worship)? 

• All your "mind" (your attitudes and thoughts)? 

• All your "strength" (your actions)? 

• Would your family, friends, and colleagues say that you love them as much as you love yourself? 

Do what love does and you'll feel what love feels.

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Journey To The Resurrection

How can you be sure that Easter really happened? Or that what God accomplished at Easter truly grants us salvation? Over the next ten days, allow Dr. Jim Denison to guide you through the Easter promise of God, from the Garden of Eden to the Garden of Gethsemane.If you’ve ever wondered why Easter happened the way it did, this is the devotional for you.
